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Male, 42 years old, Netherlands, Flevoland, Dronten Zodiac sign: Skorpion | Female, 47 years old, Australia, Victoria, Victoria country, Ballarat, Eureka Zodiac sign: Aries | Male, 20 years old, Norway, Vestlandet, Hordaland, Bergen, Ytre Arna Zodiac sign: Lew | Female, 31 years old, Norway, Østlandet, Hedmark, Folldal Zodiac sign: Bliźnięta | Male, 29 years old, Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Remscheid Zodiac sign: Ryby | Female, 60 years old, Norway, Østlandet, Akershus, Nesodden, Fagerstrand Zodiac sign: Wodnik |